Guild Coat of Arms
The Stone Though the safety of Trammel is nice, it can be decidedly inconvenient at times. With sporadic highlighting between guilds it is often hard to engage in realistic role playing. After a month and a half of successful operation as a stone free guild. A few members saw a definite void. We realized there were a few well qualified and excellent role players that wanted to be straight assassins, and didn't want to join on any existing stones. Keeping with the stone free concept we decided to keep things as they were but also to implement a stone for those few who really wanted to dig in and take part. With that a stone was built. We realized that with our own stone, a set of strict rules, and as much highlighting between role playing guilds as possible we could become a real force to bridge the gap between guilds in Britannia. Not only would we liked to be called upon and used by existing guilds, we hope to become an example as well of what can be accomplished between guilds.